Tag Archives: ruby

The first 2200



So I have begun the process of cleaning off my computer in order to relocate my bits to a new residence. This is a pretty overwhelming process. I am not terribly good at cleaning up after myself, and my computer is a reflection of that.

The first thing I decided to tackle was my iphoto dump (as I call it), the space that everything that ends up in my camera roll, and then gets dumped into a folder on my hard drive. EVERYTHING. This sucker is completely unedited, and every time you see a beautiful photo of mine there are 20 ugly ones lurking in the shadows.

After my last “dump” I realized I have taken 5300 photos in the past year. Which is pretty amazing, but also completely overwhelming, as my start-up disk is largely overburdened, and I suddenly feel a necessary compulsion to purge and save before this beast dies. Going back through all my old photos makes me realize how much I’ve improved as an amateur photog in the past year, which is pretty exciting.

Anyway… here are some of my favorites from the first 2200 shots.

part 1silence

drawing from last year

drawing from last year

i spent the first five months of 2012 on crutches

i spent the first five months of 2012 on crutches



black diamond

black diamond




detail from a sculpture I made (polymer clay)

detail from a sculpture I made (polymer clay)

birdwatcherdog toy

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